Why the prevention of cerebral hemorrhage and recurrence of cerebral infarction, the drugs used are similar?

First, the causes of cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction.

The occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage is closely related to hypertension. The main reason is cerebral arteriosclerosis. The formation of small aneurysms, amyloidosis and other diseases. When blood pressure suddenly rises, blood vessels can easily rupture and bleed, compressing nearby brain tissue and causing nerve cells to die.

There are two main reasons for the occurrence of cerebral infarction. One is atherosclerosis, in which sclerotic plaques rupture and induce platelet aggregation to form thrombosis. The second is left atrial fibrillation. The blood in the left atrial appendage flows turbulently, and the atrial wall forms a wall-mounted thrombus, which runs to the brain and blocks the cerebral arteries, causing ischemia of nerve cells. hypoxia and death.

The second is because of the common pathological basis.

Although the forms of cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction are different, they share a common pathological basis, which is related to hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Prevention of cerebral hemorrhage is mainly to control blood pressure. However, patients with cerebral hemorrhage have a high probability of recurrent cerebral infarction and also require drug prophylaxis, so the drug prophylaxis of cerebral hemorrhage is very similar to that of cerebral infarction.

Hypertension is a direct factor in cerebral hemorrhage and can also lead to atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of cerebral infarction. Therefore, patients with hypertension, whether it is cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction, need to take antihypertensive drugs.

Atherosclerosis is the main cause of cerebral infarction. People with cerebral hemorrhage also have atherosclerosis. Anti-atherosclerotic statins are also commonly used drugs due to high blood pressure.

In order to inhibit platelet aggregation when sclerotic plaque ruptures and avoid thrombosis, antiplatelet drugs represented by aspirin are also commonly used preventive drugs.

If there are chronic diseases such as hyperlipidemia and diabetes, as well as bad habits such as smoking, obesity, and lack of exercise, whether it is cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction, there will be similar drugs and health management plans 5 part hematology analyzer.

Three, the symptoms of stroke are the same.

Whether it is cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction, it will eventually lead to necrosis and dysfunction of cerebral nerve cells, and the clinical symptoms are similar. Only after a CT scan in the hospital can we determine what happened and take different first aid measures, but the first aid measures outside the hospital are the same.

There are generally three ways to easily determine whether a stroke is present:

1. See if half of the face is sagging, if there is a crooked mouth. Symptoms of drooling.

2. Stretch your arms, whether there is weakness on one side. Numbness.

3. Is the speech ambiguous.

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